Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Style Struck

Celia Smith and Tasha Baltran are the bombdotcom. Don’t know who they are? In a few seconds you will...

I came across the duo after watching a video interview of them on Stylelikeu (a fashion blog that posts video interviews of people with admirable style, check it out! -  What really stood out to me about these two was the way they mixed vintage pieces with high end designer pieces. They also have a lot to say about their personal style and what it means to them. I personally LOVE Celia’s style. She was actually a contestant for America's Most Stylish Blogger AND was featured on “Vogue Black,” under “Look of the Day,” sporting an adorable white jumpsuit (I want it!!) Tasha’s - what she refers to as-  “Chanel-esque,” outfit (you’ll see in the video) is the bomb too. Love love love. I of course had to share the video from Stylelikeu with you! Here it is! Enjoy!

Celia Smith and Tasha Beltran from from Stylelikeu on Vimeo.


color me BLACK