Monday, July 12, 2010

More Shoes!

My weekend was pretty great, how was yours? On Saturday one of my bests from college came to visit for a couple of days; and you know what that! We both have a serious addiction. Really, we would rather spend money on clothes than buy things like food and water (which made for many broke times at school). We're getting better though (obvious lie). We didn't really plan on going; it all started because she had these strappy sandals from DSW that I wanted (couldn't find them at the DSW near me...tear) and she wanted my yellow Steve Madden flats. I think we ended up at the mall later because we needed wanted outfits to go out in that night. Let me say this...God wanted us to go to the mall that day. We walked in through the Macy's entrance and of course had to take a look around. We spotted these yellowish-gray peep toe heels by Rachel Roy (above) that were SO adorable. Guess how much we got them for? Guess! .......$38! (orig. $110). I will be wearing these bad boys soon. I also spotted these fun fuschia suede pumps by Steve Madden that were on sale. Steve Madden might just be my ish this summer, I keep finding great deals!

color me BLACK