Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Day With Image Consultant Amy McNish

Today was a blast! I spent the entire day with Amy McNish, image consultant and designer. She's the bomb! I kid you not. She's been working in the industry for about 17 years and specializes in color managemnt and wardrobe styling. She had a booth at the 2011 Health and Fitness Expo at the Holiday Inn and I was her assistant for the day! I helped her set up, talk to potential clients, promote her business and got a ton of great information about the image consulting industry and how it operates. Check out this video of us at the expo for more information about her. She's great!

(FYI: I definetely know that Tasha Smith is not on The Game. Lmao, I got my Tasha's mixed up...smh. Hope you enjoyed!)

2 comments: said...

Your hair looks the BOMB. And why didn't you rock your new watch?

tiffanielynn said...

thanks! i need to get it adjusted so that it fits my wrist.. it's too big for me =(

color me BLACK