Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kickin it Old School

My bad for not posting in a while. I've been doing things like moving boxes, lifting TVs, packing crates (okay okay I lied, I watched other people do it, but at least I helped push the crate). No, I do not work for a moving company, I was helping out with Howard University's freshman move-in! Welcome Class of 2014! It's great to be back at school, but moving in freshman is definitely not one of the highlights of being here (I clearly only did it because I couldn't wait to come back to school to see everyone, and they do annoying things like charge us for housing if we don't help out that week). But anyways...I'm glad it's over. Oh, and in case you didn't know, HU is by far the best hbcu (and has the best dressed students, but that's a given). I was actually on facebook the other day and saw that someone posted a bunch of vintage photos of Howard University that were in an issue of Life Magazine from 1946! I found some more  pictures from the mag online and had to share. This just proves that Howard University students have always been and will continue to be fly (don't hate).

The lovely ladies (or should I say, fashionistas) of HU watching their fellow bisons play football. Look at that fur scarf, très chic!

Boy you are too fly with your bow tie! Look familiar? It's cool that there are always classic pieces that are either consistently trendy, or are repeated as a trend in the future.

 I really like the look that the girl on the right is rockin'...very chanel-esque.

This lace dress is gorgeous, the velvet bow on the back of the dress is the perfect touch!

Girl, you better go head with that hat! Howard's homecoming is always something to talk about.

Photo Credit: Life Magazine,
                               Black History Album

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