Saturday, August 28, 2010

The September Issue

The September Issue of Vogue is FINALLY here! Which starlet did Anna Wintour choose to grace the cover of the magazine's most important issue of the year? None other than a woman whose presence screams classy, sophisticated, and stylish; Ms. Halle Berry. She wow's vogue readers in her 8-page spread, wearing deep-hued pieces by Giorgio Armani, Marc Jacobs, Vera Wang, and Escada; simple elegance. Hold African American woman on the cover of Vogue's September issue? This hasn't happened since Naomi Campbell embellished Vogue's cover in September of 1989! I remember watching "The September Issue," a while back (a documentary filmed by R.J. Cutler that gives viewers the ins and outs of putting together the Septemeber Issue of Vogue). There was a point in the documentary where Anna Wintour was going through a stack of previous Septemeber issues of Vogue and came across the one with Naomi Campbell on the cover. She looked at it and mumbled, "That was controversial, putting a black girl on the September cover of Vogue. I remember that was my first one that was considered questionable." Interesting....and that was only 21 years ago. Yeah, you read correctly, only 21 years ago. Of course we've seen a handful of  African Americans on the cover of previous issues of vogue; like Beverly Johnson (the FIRST black model to appear on the cover of Vogue [1974]), Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Hudson, and Michele Obama... just to name a few; but an African American woman on the cover of Vogue's September issue? This is huge! (and unfortunately, extremely rare)  In the letter from the editor,  Anna Wintour speaks on the topic of adversity and the different ways that Vogue has dealt with it; CFDA/Vogue's 7th on Sale for HIV and AIDS, CFDA/Vogue's Fashion Fund after 9/11, and Fashion Night Out  to cope with the economic downfall. She explains how Halle Berry was the perfect addition to this issue because she knows how to deal with adversity, "She has shown grace in the good times and grace under fire in the bad. If that's not how to tackle adversity, I don't know what is." (Anna Wintour, Vogue, September 2010) If you don't have this issue yet, I strongly encourage you to get!

Photo Credit: Vogue

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kickin it Old School

My bad for not posting in a while. I've been doing things like moving boxes, lifting TVs, packing crates (okay okay I lied, I watched other people do it, but at least I helped push the crate). No, I do not work for a moving company, I was helping out with Howard University's freshman move-in! Welcome Class of 2014! It's great to be back at school, but moving in freshman is definitely not one of the highlights of being here (I clearly only did it because I couldn't wait to come back to school to see everyone, and they do annoying things like charge us for housing if we don't help out that week). But anyways...I'm glad it's over. Oh, and in case you didn't know, HU is by far the best hbcu (and has the best dressed students, but that's a given). I was actually on facebook the other day and saw that someone posted a bunch of vintage photos of Howard University that were in an issue of Life Magazine from 1946! I found some more  pictures from the mag online and had to share. This just proves that Howard University students have always been and will continue to be fly (don't hate).

The lovely ladies (or should I say, fashionistas) of HU watching their fellow bisons play football. Look at that fur scarf, très chic!

Boy you are too fly with your bow tie! Look familiar? It's cool that there are always classic pieces that are either consistently trendy, or are repeated as a trend in the future.

 I really like the look that the girl on the right is rockin'...very chanel-esque.

This lace dress is gorgeous, the velvet bow on the back of the dress is the perfect touch!

Girl, you better go head with that hat! Howard's homecoming is always something to talk about.

Photo Credit: Life Magazine,
                               Black History Album

Sunday, August 1, 2010

His ...or hers?

My favorite part of summer in high school was always back to school shopping. Vacations were fun, but shopping was where it was at. One year I actually thought to ask my parents if instead of taking me with them on the family trip to the Bahamas, if they would give me the money that they would’ve spent on me so that I could go shopping (I wasn’t lying about that addiction)…but me and my parents think a little differently, so I decided it wasn’t the best idea. I’m still always excited to see what new trends will be taking over to encompass that fresh Fall look. To tell you the truth, I’m not a super trendy person, I usually just wear what I like; but there are always a few trends that catch my eye; and it’s cool to see how different designers/stores incorporate trends in their lines. One of my favorite trends of Fall 2010 is masculine shoes. Last year at this time I was all about finding the perfect riding boot (which I did, thanks to Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale!) This year I’m dying for some rough, combat style- lace up boots. Yeah boys, you aren't the only ones who can pull them off, we rock them hard...and look hotter in them too. Pair these with printed leggings, a graphic tee, and a leather jacket and you'll be stylin. Next time you're in H&M pick up a pair of their acid washed "treggings" ($20). They're a little thicker than leggings and they're soo comfy; perfect for Fall weather and great to wear with these boots. The other masculine shoe that we're trading our heels in for this fall (rewind, did I say trading? never that ... more like adding to the collection) are oxfords! I personally would wear these with a cuffed boyfriend jean (like the ones shown above...try Gap's boyfriend jeans ($69.50)) and a blazer with structured shoulders or maybe with a pair of high waisted floral printed shorts with a button up. Oxfords are perfect for toning down a girly outfit. So, now that we can clearly wear guys' shoes better than they can (not surprised), what should they resort to wearing? Before you know it we'll be seeing them in heels; just kidding ... I hope.

Photo Credit:
media cleveland

color me BLACK